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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Preventing Water Damage From Appliances | SERVPRO of East Fullerton/Placentia

6/7/2024 (Permalink)

Broken washing machine at home Has your home been impacted by unexpected water damage? SERVPRO of East Fullerton/Placentia is Here to Help®. Call us today!

Have you ever walked through your home and wondered how there could possibly be another load of laundry or another load of dishes? Or perhaps the dog has just come home covered in mud, again. 

There are so many ways we count on water—not only to keep things clean, but for a fresh drink, to wash our hands and even to cook our food. We are so fortunate to have water-based appliances that make things so convenient, but did you know that these appliances also leave our homes vulnerable to water damage? 

Water damage that originates from appliances often goes unseen until it has created a total disaster. The good news is that with a little home maintenance, you can continue to enjoy keeping things fresh and clean without worrying about needing costly repairs. 

Find It

In order to prevent water damage, you have to first find where it could originate. This is one of the reasons that water damage that stems from an appliance often goes unnoticed. 

Water hoses are typically behind the appliance, which is almost always up against a wall. When a leak does develop, it is going to first affect the wall and the floor under the appliance, making it difficult to find. 

Every few months, pull your refrigerator, washing machine and dishwasher as far away from the wall as possible. Check to see if the wall or floor around the appliance is discolored. Look for mold growth or check for a musty odor. 

Replace water lines when they show signs of aging, and give everything a good cleaning before returning the appliance to its spot. 

You can also catch an appliance leak in between these deep-cleanings by checking under the sink nearest them. Feel along water lines and look for moisture in the wall or cabinet area. 

Make sure connection points are tight, and replace anything that is beginning to wear out. The more you can stay ahead of regular maintenance, the less likely you are to end up with structural damage from an appliance leak. 

Respond Quickly

Sometimes we do everything we can to avoid something only for that very thing to happen. This is true for appliance leaks just as it is in the rest of our lives. Even the most well-maintained appliance could still end up flooding your floor. When that happens, the faster you respond, the less damage your home will have.

Familiarize yourself with water shutoff valves around your home. Under your sink, you may have a few different ones for your plumbing and your dishwasher. Make sure you know which one controls what so that you can quickly turn off whatever is causing the flood. 

If you can’t determine right away where the water is coming from, turn your water off at the main shutoff valve. 

Dry up water as quickly as possible to prevent any runoff into cracks through the floor. Don’t forget to get underneath shelves and appliances. 

Call our team right away, even if it is the middle of the night. Water damage moves fast, and it can quickly lead to structural damage, mold growth and lingering odors. We will get a crew out to your house so that things are back to normal fast. 

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact our SERVPRO® team to get things dried up quickly. 

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